An Introduction to Global Financial Markets [Paperback] review

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For the following 20 years, essentially the most important feature of any financial market text will probably be its treatment from the worldwide financial crisis of 2007-2009. And in my view, the most effective feature of Valdez and Molyneux is the very fact that readers could possibly get to this material quickly—after just a handful of requisite chapters on the basics of markets and institutions—so that important financial market issues may be discussed in full light of the historic and nearly catastrophic financial episode. The details, the causes, as well as the near-term consequences in the crisis are all here, and so they are presented, as is all from the material in this book, in friendly and highly readable fashion. I especially recommend this book to readers who desire (need) a non-US-centric perspective on global financial markets as well as the fallout from your US-bred crisis. - Robert DeYoung, Capitol Federal Chair in Financial Markets and Institutions, The University of Kansas

A book that no international banker or banking academic should miss if he/she really wants to stay as much as date on banking developments on a rapidly changing banking landscape worldwide - Alicia Garcia-Herrero, Chief Economist for Emerging Markets, Economic Research, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (BBVA), Hong Kong Branch
Well done towards the authors: a great overview with the global financial system: understandable, comprehensive and intensely approximately date. - David Marqués Ibañez, European Central Bank, Financial Research Division, Frankfurt, Germany

This 6th Edition of An Introduction to Global Financial Markets is really a must read for those beginning to study finance and an essential reference for advanced students of the topic. The coverage with the recent financial crisis is fantastic and provides a thorough update of most the data, markets, institutions, and financial instruments that played a job inside crisis. - Allen N. Berger, H. Montague Osteen, Jr., Professor in Banking and Finance, Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina, USA
Valdez and Molyneux's book is without competitor. There are two main reasons for its growing success: it is complete, up-to-date and of a truly global scope; and it is written in the limpid and lively way. Furthermore the brand new chapter on the subprime crisis and its particular developments represents an invaluable synthesis. This book definitely provides the best introduction on the study of world financial markets. - Francis Bismans, Professor in Economics and Finance, BETA and University of Nancy, France

An excellent overview of international financial markets providing a valuable information source for students and practitioners. Content is as much as date with clear examples from the wide range of markets, as well as a succinct analysis in the recent financial crisis. - Scott Goddard, Associate Director and specialist in International Finance, Nottingham University Business School, UK
An Introduction to Global Financial Markets provides a thorough and inspiring introduction to global financial sectors along with a thought-provoking description of major international financial activities. The new edition from the book is further completed with the objective yet insightful account with the recent financial crisis, conveying important information and implications to markets participants and policymakers across the world. - Dr. Ruijun Bu, Lecturer in Economics, University of Liverpool Management School, UK, and Visiting Fellow in Finance, Bendheim Center for Finance, Princeton University, USA
Valdez and Molyneux provide an excellent introduction towards the modern global financial markets. No prior knowledge is required and it is clearly written. The authors cover a broad array of topics that also includes the role of central banks, investment banks, bond, equity and derivatives markets. In addition they discuss increasing superpowers of India and China, the loan crunch as well as the emerging trends in finance following your credit crisis. Overall the book is really a first rate introduction for the finance world for undergraduate students of business studies and pros who need to obtain the broad picture. - Konstantinos Tolikas, Lecturer in Finance, Cardiff Business School, UK
If the 4 "C's" of writing didn't exist, Valdez and Molyneux would've invented them. Their new edition of '...Global Financial Markets' is clear, correct, comprehensive but still concise. The book links complex financial products and up-to-date practices to conceptually sound pedagogical structures. - Marc De Ceuster, Professor of Finance at the Universiteit Antwerpen& Universiteit Antwerpen Management School, Belgium
Greatly welcomed, providing an authoritative, up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to the world's banking institutions and markets. The new edition is especially welcome because it has successfully incorporated the nature and likely consequences from the recent global turmoil on financial markets. Its very wide coverage - with relevant information on Europe, Asia and America - and its particular easy to get to language and layout, allow it to be particularly attractive being a text to recommend to students. - Mike Collins, Professor of Financial History, Leeds University Business School, UK
This is but one of the most informative and user friendly texts that examines the integration between, and also the operational complexities of, banking, financial markets and financial risk; more specifically it explains how excessive risk taking by established and non-traditional banking institutions led towards the breakdown inside financial markets that we understand today as the credit crunch. - Brian Scroggie, Lecturer in Treasury, Banking and Financial Markets, Aberdeen Business School, The Robert Gordon University, UK

I are already by using this as my main text for Financial Services for upwards of 10 years and this latest edition improves an already excellent text book on the global financial markets and institutions that we are all becoming so aware of, especially given the recent financial crisis. The simple to follow writing style and excellent explanations of complex markets and financial products mean the text is suitable for both non-finance specialists as well as finance students. - Dr Brian Boyd, Lecturer in Finance, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland

The new edition of An introduction to Global Financial Markets supplies a first class guide towards the subject. As ever, the Valdez book supplies a practical and concise discussion which will likely be invaluable for anyone wanting to find out more about how precisely financial markets actually are employed in practice. Whenever We've a student asking the way they should prepare to have an interview for any graduate investment banking place I usually tell these to disappear and study Valdez from cover to cover. - Kevin Boakes, Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Business and Law, Kingston University London, UK

This new edition provides a thorough and interesting coverage of your massive and constantly changing subject area. It should prove another and accessible reference book for undergraduate and postgraduate students, at exactly the same time as finance professionals. - Dr. John Cooper, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economic Studies & International Business, Glasgow Caledonian Business School, UK
With its comprehensive coverage and lucid style, this book provides a fantastic introduction towards the nature and operations of banking and financial markets. Rich in contemporary examples and international in perspective, the text captures the dynamism and the complexity from the modern financial environment. A first rate supply of approximately date material for both students and professionals, but accessible on the general reader. - Dr David Goacher, School of Business and Finance, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Reviews from 
'This could be the best book on finance I've ever read. It's an extensive introduction to financial markets written in a very simple language. BUY IT.' 
'This book is amazing!! I work for Merrill Lynch and they also recommend this book to everyone. If you've no background to invest in this really is the ebook for you!' 
'A FANTASTIC book for many newcomers to invest in as well as a brilliant refresher for commercial and investment bankers who must get yourself a bird's eye view in the markets ... This book ought to be recommended reading for those new banking graduate trainees. And anyone selling for the 'City' or working inside a support role, e.g. audit, regulation, compliance, risk, middle office, back office, law, HR, sales/marketing, public/investor relations, etc. Get it! It's worth every cent.' 
'I see this book from cover to cover before starting work inside technology department of an investment bank determined it an excellent explanation of the basics from the finance world. The examples were really well explained and easy to follow. Simply a great book!' 
'This book answered my questions and more. Additionally, it placed the financial markets in to a global context, as the markets are truly worldwide ... In my estimation this really is the best available in the wedding you require a high-level, less than detailed Introduction to Global Financial Markets.'
'I was very impressed with all the vast spectrum of content covered. I didn't have previous knowledge from the financial markets and thanks to the book I now believe We have a reasonably good knowledge of them.' 
An Introduction to Global Financial Markets describes the financial world in clear, simple to understand terms. The authors provide comprehensive coverage of commercial and investment banking, foreign exchange, money and bond markets, stock markets and derivatives and an approximately date analysis from the global financial crisis.

Key benefits:

• A new chapter around the global financial crisis and banking regulation
• Updated coverage of investment banking, hedge funds and private equity
• Details of controversial new market instruments: credit default stops and collateralised mortgage obligations
• Expanded coverage of emerging markets, including Brazil, Russia, India and China
• New companion website featuring PPT slides, interactive revision questions, case studies and exercises, bonus chapters and analytical content

An Introduction to Global Financial Markets is recommended for students studying finance and financial institutions, practitioners, and people that require an understanding in the global financial system.